Monday, June 28, 2010


The time has come for me to leave beautiful Waikiki and return to my family in West Virginia and Maryland. For almost five years, I have called Waikiki home and enjoyed living here amongst friends made primarily at the Kapiolani Park tennis courts. You will be in my memory forever ( or at least as long as I have a memory..LOL) . My damaged knees have prevented me from enjoying tennis since February so its time to go back home and seek a remedy ( arthroscope, meds, injections, or replacements) . Hopefully, I will be able to return someday and renew the special friendships that I have been blessed with. May God richly bless all of you. Continue to enjoy this awesome weather and the abundant friendships made playing tennis. "Mahalo" for the "aloha" you lavished on me and my daughters when they visited. Peace!!!

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